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Find a place to belong while in college...
Connect with other students who share your faith.
Create lifelong friendships and memories.
Want to receive more info from a ministry? Submit out our contact form here.

Anglican Campus Ministry
Worship & Fellowship:
11:00 a.m. on Sundays
at St. Clare’s Anglican Chapel

of Baptist Students
The Hedge:
Hosted on Tuesday nights at 7, The Hedge is a time of fellowship, worship, and Bible study.
Small Groups:
Meet with a small group of students through out the week to read and discuss the Bible on campus.
Evangelism Circle:
Concerned about unbelievers in your life? Join us for a time of prayer and encouragement as we seek to minister to the lost around us.

Catholic Campus Ministry
10am, 5pm, 8pm (no 8pm in the summer)
Weekdays Tuesday-Friday (check website for times.)
Scripture Study:
Student-led weekly, fall and spring.
Domestic and international
Service Projects:
TBA - Faculty Advisor: Dr. Paul Cronan
Adam Koehler, Campus Minister
Fr. Jason Sharbaugh, Pastor
603 N. Leverett Avenue

Chi alpha campus Ministry
Midweek Experience:
Join us weekly at the Chi Alpha House Wednesday nights at 7:30pm for worship and teachings.
Small Groups:
Guy and girl groups just doing life, being real, and helping each other follow Jesus.
Missions Experience:
Chi Alpha offers spring break summer missions opportunities in locations across the country and across the world.
Be discipled weekly with a mentor; take the Leadership Class to become a Disciplemaker yourself!
Chi Alpha 612 N. Leverett Ave
Facebook: Uark Chi Alpha
Instagram: uarkchialpha

Cross Church College
Wednesday Night Service:
Our college ministry meets every Wednesday night at 8:30pm for service! This is family!
Small Groups:
Our co-ed groups meet during the week to grow deeper in relationships with. You have a place here!
Cross Church Sunday:
8:30am, 10:00am, and 11:30am
Luke Harper:
Calley Causey:
Instagram: @c3crosschurch
2801 W McMillan Dr.

FBC Fayetteville
Breakfast & Bible Study:
Sundays 9 am - FBC Chapel
Bible studies for college students.
Main Worship:
Sundays, 10:30am
FBC Sanctuary - Worship with the entire church family
College Worship:
Wednesdays, 7:30pm
FBC Chapel - Worship and teaching for college students

International Student Christian Association
ISCA Tuesday:
Our weekly main event with a meal and Bible Study. At the ISCA house (89 South Duncan Ave) at 6:30 pm.
Saturday Breakfast Club:
A weekly meeting for breakfast, fellowship, and a place for seeking answers to your questions.
Digging Deeper Bible Study:
Friday's at lunchtime. A time of small group Bible study for those who desire more in-depth study.
89 Duncan Ave Fayetteville 72701

The link
The Link Weekly Service:
Join us Thursdays at 7:30pm for our weekly service: worship, a message, and a welcoming community.
Community Groups:
We have several community groups that meet every other week to hang out and study the Bible.
Instagram: @thelinkatclc

The Navigators
NavNite (Bible Study Night):
Grow in Christ with like-minded peers in a fun and meaningful way. Tuesday's at 7pm.
Micro-Group Discipleship:
Follow Jesus and build friendships through life-to-life discipleship with upperclassmen or staff.
Austin Olinger - (620) 481-0183
Instagram: @razorback_navs

Razorbacks for Christ
Sunday Worship:
At the Mount Comfort church of Christ. 3249 W. Mt Comfort Rd. Bible class at 9 AM, church at 10 AM.
Tuesday nights, 7 PM at our campus house. An evening of praise, prayer and a message from God's Word
Steve Comer - Campus Minister
Campus House - 608 N. Storer Ave

Simple Truth Campus Ministry
Friday nights 7pm; we meet together to enjoy fellowship, a lesson, and a fun activity together.
Bible Talk:
Tuesdays 7pm; Thursdays 12:30pm; group Bible discussions on zoom and in person
Church Service:
Sundays 10am at Heartland Church
Josh Werner - 316-992-2632
Katie Werner - 785-554-8420
Instagram @simpletruthuark

Student Mobilization
Weekly Meeting:
Tuesdays at 8 pm. Check the Instagram for more details.
Stumo’s winter conference in Dallas.
Jan 2-5th
Stumo’s 9 week summer discipleship program in Florida. For more details check out

University Baptist Church
Worship Service
Join us for our weekly church gathering on Sundays at 10:30am!
On-Campus Bible Studies:
We have weekly on-campus Bible studies each week. These studies are student-led. Location/time TBD.
Welcome Week Events:
Check our website and social media to keep up with welcome week events!

Wesley College Ministry
Wesley Night:
Join us at 7PM every Tuesday at the Wesley House for a home cooked dinner followed by Worship at 8 pm.
Grad Student Lunch and Devotional:
Grad Students - Join us for a free lunch and devotional every Wednesday at 11:30 AM

Antioch College Ministry
Authentic community living out acts 2:42-47, open to anyone! Reach out for times + locations.
Sunday Service:
Join us on Sundays, 10am! We meet at the Springdale holiday inn @ 1500 S 48th Street.
2-5 people of the same gender just doing life, being real, and helping each other follow Jesus.

Baptist Collegiate Ministry
Freshmen-Only Events to connect with new friends!
Every Tuesday at 7pm at 944 West Maple
Monday Nights:
Join us at 7pm or 9pm at 944 West Maple for Worship, Teaching, and Small Groups!

Center for Mission Mobilization
Missions Bible Study:
Learn Biblical Basis of Missions, to both grow in our love for God and practically serve His kingdom.
Cross-Cultural Experience:
Learn about world cultures and religions by building bridges of love and respect with all people.
International Trips:
Experience frontier mobilization first-hand! We have week-long trips and a 5-week summer project.
Lawson Wright, City Director
(501) 920-9045 |
Instagram: @cmmfayetteville

Christ On
Sunday Morning Worship:
Walk to church & join us to worship, study God's Word & encourage one another. Sundays @ 11:00.
Cord Small Groups
Weekly small groups to study Scripture, pray together and actively grow in our faith together.
Service/Mission Opportunities
Mission trips each semester, as well as campus and community service/volunteer opportunities.
1041 Garland Ave, Suite 1 - Next to Bolder Coffee and Domino's |
Facebook: christoncampusuofa
Instagram: @christoncampusuofa

Community Groups:
Small group Bible studies meet in the dorms and off-campus throughout the week.
Summer Missions:
Cru offers summer missions opportunities in locations across the country and across the world.

To Hope (St. James)
Wednesday Bible study:
We meet at 6:30 pm in the Arkansas Union to study God's word and encourage each other.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Group Investigating God (GiG):
Do you have questions about God, the Bible, & Christianity? Explore Scripture with curious students.
Multiethnic Small Group Bible Studies:
Students gather for weekly Bible studies to help one another grow in loving God and doing his will.
Regularly meet 1:1 or in group to be equipped, trained and encouraged in your apprenticeship to Jesus.
Micah Cheung - Campus Staff Minister
281-250-4806 |
Instagram: @intervarsityarkansas
Facebook: InterVarsity Arkansas

lUTHERANS & friends
Bible Study:
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm -
Conversations, community, and study, every week at St. John’s Lutheran Church

New Heights College
Weekly Community Groups:
Groups available to join Sunday through Thursday nights of 6-10 students led by 4 adults!
Sunday Morning Worship:
Worship with us at the Boys and Girls Club at 9 am or 11 am and serve in various ways on Sunday mornings!
Second Sunday Lunch:
Free lunch every second Sunday after the 11 am service! Food provided by families in the church!
Co-Pastors, Linda Mohlman
and Chadd Holmes
Instagram: @newheightscollege

Christian Fellowship
RUF Worship Night
Wednesday Night 8pm @ Christ Community Church on the Downtown Square
Small Group Bible Studies
Weekly Volleyball Game
Campus Minister | Austin Royal
478-319-2601 |
Instagram: @rufarkansas

St. Martin
Episcopal University Center
You are Welcome!
Check out our website for the schedule and join our email list to receive news and updates.

Every Thursday at 8:00 p.m. currently at our campus house. Small groups meet throughout the week.

Campus Ministry
Monday Lunch Fellowship:
Lunch and a time of fellowship
11 am - 2 pm each Monday.
Tuesday Re-fuel:
7pm on Tuesday evenings. A student-led small group community.
Thursday Dinner and Discussion:
Dinner and Bible Study weekly from 5:30pm to 7:00pm.
902 W. Maple Street

Young Life
Young Life College Club:
Large Group Gathering every Tuesday night!
Young Life Small Groups
Small groups throughout the week!
Robyn Stutts
1232 N Garland Fayetteville AR, 72703
Twitter: @UarkYoungLife
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